SustainaClaus is coming to (Dubai) town after a 1/4 century.

Philip McMaster
13 min readNov 9, 2023


I’m not sure what to call this in the era of journalistic negligence, social media, fake news and shameless self-promotion — “a prompt?”

…but a few days ago, noting November 11th was rolling around (you’ll see the significance in a bit..), I prepared something for reporters at Gulf News in Dubai, who I thought might want to follow up on a story and person in an article from November 11th 1998 by Sabita Majid.

that was a quarter century ago.

…after which I did a 1999 interview in the Turks & Caicos Islands after that visit to Dubai explaining an awakening in the desert

My name is Philip McMaster aka SustainaClaus and I’m currently in South Sinai (Dahab) on my way to Dubai for COY18 and COP28.

I mentioned to the editors I’d be happy to do a Skype or Zoom call to redo/reframe the one sided “prompt” interview and answer their tough, investigative questions.

No Reply.

So, with the Nov. 11 anniversary approaching and without further ado, I’m sharing with you the questions I composed between

INT: the unknown INTerviewer


SC: SustainaClaus

…in advance, to connect the story behind the article 25 years ago with the plans for Dubai and the UN Climate Conference coming up in a few weeks.

(I offered the exclusive to Gulf News , but “Change Wednesday”, November 8th passed without reply.)

I closed my introduction by saying my objective was to let Emeratis know that the COP circus is not just a bunch of boring suits and scientists, there are also tireless and traditional characters like SustainaClaus and “Joha” coming to town, with joy, goodwill and a cutting edge, doable plan for humanity, where, if adopted by the local population, as mentioned in the 1998 article, would make Dubai the hub #1 and the world a better place.

Peace Plus ONE,

SustainaClaus (Philip McMaster)

McMaster Institute


(email on request)

The Q&A


SustainaClaus is coming to Dubai Town for COY18 & COP28!

This is going to be an odd holiday season, with regional wars, and thousands concerned about the climate converging on Dubai for COY18 & COP28….

TIKTOK SustainaClaus

(SustainaClaus, Joha and the Sustainies, Roger the Reality Rooster and Low Carbon A-I-Panda are “dealing in Peace” not violence this holiday season

SustainaClaus returns to Dubai after 1/4 century for the kids and youth of Dubai and the global family — to show them that kindness, cooperation and community is the way to live a LOHHAS Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability.

This is an interview SustainaClaus, the Sustainability Santa, (who travels the World Sustainability Tour with the Sustainies) and the legendary Arabic everyman “Joha” (background on Joha, with the late Ambassador Basly of Tunisia: )

INT: SustainaClaus welcome to Dubai, is this your first time in the Emirates? Tell us a little about yourself and your “origin story”.

SC: My name is actually Philip McMaster, I’m a Canadian currently in Egypt’s South Sinai peninsula, the location of last year’s COP27.

( speech here: )

this is the place where we brought the famous SDGbanner up Mount Sinai on this leg of the ongoing World Sustainability Tour.

SDGbanner at Mount Sinai Sunrise, with SustainaClaus, the Summit Banner, the Sustainies and the Ring of Truth

It’s the same battered, original, totally authentic banner that brought the message up Mount Everest in an effort to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals — the SDG’s — on the world’s highest (and now, unfortunately, the most polluted) mountain.

The famous SDGbanner at Everest Base Camp with the Sustainies and EcoEverest CleanUp Team

(Reference Video: Himalayan Travel Mart, )

INT: Wow, that’s pretty amazing, will you bring the SDGbanner to Dubai and COP28?

SC: Yes, of course, at this special holiday season time (and my 8th COP Climate Conference), we’re arranging a special SDGnft gift for everyone that supports or touches the Original SDGbanner and makes a commitment to act on the SDG’s.

The SustainaClaus and “Joha” characters (video with late Ambassador Basly in Tunisia: ) have been bringing the message of ConscienceLAND and the ConscienceVERSE to every United Nations Climate Conference since Paris in 2015, when both the SDG’s and the COP21 Paris Accord were agreed upon and signed by 194 Nations around the world.

INT: Is this your first time in the Emirates?

SC: Actually my first visit was 25 years ago, in a very different time… the Burj Al Arab existed, but no Burj Kahlifa, Palm Islands or anything like what we see today — I remember basically one big road with a few high buildings on it, and the rest was under development. But I do remember it being an exciting time.

INT: What made it exciting? What was the reason for your visit?

SC: Well, since 1980 I had been working in Sustainable Tourism Development, specifically Adventure Travel and eco-tourism.

In the mid nineties, while I was working in rocket launch services, my Explorasport company had worked with the famous Camel Trophy expedition events doing documentary work with the old Discovery Channel, in Central America and Japan.

As part of a world tour, I visited Land Rover / Range Rover dealers in Dubai, and discussed adventure tourism development with a number of government leaders, (Minister of Tourism etc.)

Here’s a treasured photo from 1998 and the text from a Gulf News article:

Can you identify who’s who in this photo from 1998?

Gulf News

Dubai could be hub of thrill sports

Emirate’s central location and modern facilities will attract adventure aficionados — expert

By Sabita Majid


Dubai can easily become an international adventure hub given its central position as a country and its modern communications, according to Philip McMaster of Explorasport Worldwide, an international adventure company.

‘Dubai is a transit point for travellers from the Americas, Russia, Europe and Asia” said McMaster who feels a global adventure showcase can easily be developed in the emirate. Being equipped with modern communications and technology, it could become a point of convergence for 20th century adventurers he said yesterday.

Apart from promoting more adventure tourism, Dubai could be the place to sell a range of equipment for expeditions as well as providing training for all sorts of global adventures.

“There is no single country which can qualify as a global adventure hub, but Dubai has the capabilities which fit the concept” said McMaster.

Ballooning, rafting, sand skiing, scuba diving and other adventure sports are already being held in Dubai, but could be integrated. International conferences where top league adventurers would address audiences, could also be arranged

McMaster’s mission in Dubai is to explore the adventure potential which can then be promoted through the adventure network run by his company. The concept requires official endorsement which which is what he is now working on.


McMaster’s 20 years of experience in the adventure industry, which has taken him into the interiors of South and Central America as well as Asian countries, has made him appreciate the need for promoting eco-tourism.

“Being travellers, we should be the first ones to protect forests, wildlife and natural resources because we have benefited from visiting them” he added.

He makes the distinction between ‘travellers’ and ‘tourists’ here in the hope of promoting Dubai among worldwide travellers who want to experience new places and are looking for something different.

Travellers can be given precise information about new destinations and also get “travel buddies” on the Internet shortly. On the website location of Explorasport , apart from adventure options through networking it will be possible for people to be matched up with other people for trekking, rafting or diving partners wherever they want.

“With a psychological profile and according to capabilities, it would be fairly simple to match people for adventures” said McMaster.

  • ************************

INT: We’ve learned that SustainaClaus is a “well known fixture” and favourite at the COP conferences, especially with young people.

SC: Apparently that’s the case — just take a look at my UN Observer badges over the years — they put a smile on the faces of UN Security every time I go through the checkpoints!

Because I see that youth are not treated seriously at most of these conferences, “SustainaClaus” makes a special effort to meet, support and encourage all the young people at both the Conference of Youth (COY) and Conference of Parties (COP).

Svante Thunberg with Roger the Reality Rooster, SustainaClaus “x-ing” out unecessary consumption and Greta Thunberg with Low Carbon A-I-Panda sharing the 3 finger Sustainability Symbol

(Young Greta Thunberg WakeUp VIDEO:

A few of these shy young people have become very famous since I met them at their first conferences…..

(The Panic Song:

(WakeUp to Reality

INT: What will you be introducing at COP28 this year?

SC: Well, last year at COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheikh Egypt I introduced the desperately needed tools of trust — called the “Ring Of Truth”, helping youth (and anyone, really) Wake Up — AMPLIFY their voices to be heard and respected, Stand Up — REDUCE the lying and deception and Speak Up — ATTRACT the support from the emerging Loss & Damage funding to solve the SDG’s and finance the individual healing of SDGplots/GaiaPlots.

SDGx.LIVE, the “TEDx of Sustainability”

Part of the Speaking Up is a new venture in ConscienceLAND based on my experiences teaching and speaking at TEDx and Universities around the world, which we call SDGx.LIVE, the “TEDx of Sustainability” a decentralized social network focusing on

  1. ) taking Individual Social Responsibility (ISR),
  2. ) identifying, learning and presenting online and offline tools & methods,
  3. ) effecting solutions and being rewarded/compensated for your “gLocal” healing efforts.

INT: How can Emiratis help SustainaClaus help the Emirates and the world?

SC: The important thing is not just the UN conference itself, but the leadership’s effect on the participants and the ideas, messages, tools and motivations they take home with them.

INT: What inspired you to care about the global environment?

SC: We really have to grow up and start dealing with reality. My experience in the desert outside Dubai so many years ago had a profound effect. (Story here: )

My various backgrounds and experiences growing up in the mountains of Quebec, exploring adventure sports, space, education, research, modelling, acting, blockchain and now benevolent A-I… All leading edge communications exercises and great “Planetpreneur” subjects balanced between hype, image, safety and productivity.

INT: In your opinion, what are the major challenges for COP28?

SC: This year’s COP28 presidency of Dr. Sultan Al Jabar is at a civilizational inflection point. UN Secretary General Antonio Guiterres has admitted the SDG’s are “woefully” behind target. (News video from TRT .. and the people who are actually doing the healing must be supported by the LOSS & DAMAGE financing.

INT: What about Dubai hospitality?

SC: This exciting visit I will do my best to repay the kindness, hospitality and support I received a 1/4 century ago, sustainably reinforcing Dubai as I observe and experience the transportation, innovation and conference hub it has become. I hope to meet again some of the officials who so graciously welcomed me the first time.

INT: What’s your plan?

SC: As a former MBA teacher at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and HEC Montreal and as a co-founding citizen of ConscienceLAND, over the years I’ve used my global lecturing and research experience between the Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Centre For Eco Environmental Sciences, CyberPort Hong Kong, Tsinghua, Baida, ETH Zurich, CUHK, Oxford, U of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and a few weeks ago Al Azhar University in Cairo, to encourage Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) and direct attention to living a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS).

My efforts are now completely directed to refine my own “McMaster Plan” to focus human capital and energy organizing a Sustainable Development Accelerator and to help Dr. Sultan Al Jabar and the UN achieve the Global Goals.

Finally, November 11th (the date of the Gulf News article) was an important date during the many years I lived and worked in China. It’s the approximate date when the Canadian hero Dr. Norman Bethune died of a cut to the finger while doing surgery at the height of the Chinese civil war, just before the outbreak of the Second World War.

I was fortunate to portray Dr. Bethune in a Chinese Central Television (CCTV9) television series, gaining a deep regard from Chinese people for my efforts to depict the life of that truly altruistic humanitarian in front of the camera, and as a leadership example for my own “gLocal” community training efforts.

INT: This is COP28, are you optimistic or pessimistic?

SC: I am pessimistic in the short term but optimistic in the long term.

INT: How do people know you have this optimistic attitude?

“Peace Plus One”, symboizing the balance between Society, Environment and Economy.

SC: You can check out the videos and see the 3 finger gestures in photos and videos symbolizing “Peace Plus One”, and the balance between Society, Environment and Economy.

INT: Would you like to re-launch your Explorasport Adventure Company in Dubai?

SC: 25 years later I still have a good feeling about the opportunities for Explorasport in Dubai, let’s see how Dubai welcomes SustainaClaus and his efforts this holiday season and how accepting, open and accommodating COY18 and COP28 are. My expectations are that they will reflect well and end up enhancing a sustainable Dubai lifestyle and ethos.

INT: What will you be doing with the famous SDGbanner you’ve brought with you on the World Sustainability Tour?

SC: I’ll bring the now fragile banner to the Blue Zone on Change Wednesday the 6th of December as well as the Green Zone and various side events around Dubai and the UAE.

“Sustainably Touching the Top of the World” through the SDG “Ring of Truth”

People will have a chance to have their group photo taken “Sustainably Touching the Top of the World” and be eligible for SDGnft gifts from SustainaClaus!

INT: Dubai is known for its many high net worth individuals, what are the opportunities for them with COP28 in town?

( Video: UHNW Heros Discover Decentralized SDGdata A-I Mining Bonanza in ConscienceLAND )

SC: We all know the tense and violent situation in the middle east has caused many to finally wake up. The wealthy of the world are justifiably worried. The rich-poor gap is critically dangerous on all levels and the idle rich are viewed as exploitive and insensitive to consequences.

Implimentation of “Loss and Damage” will be a very important objective of COP28.

Irresponsible wealth and power is now enraging the masses and the loud “greed is good” crowd is losing out to the silent majority of caring, concerned and worried citizens.

Of course there is no escape. The world is round. So the only solution is “Wealth Against WAR” — for the wealthy to:

Visibly invest in community,

Visibly invest in civilization,

Visibly invest in the people,

…and stop investing in the dark, unsustainable assets of war, violence and conflict.

With tongue-half-in-cheek, a “Tri Digital Commission” is being encouraged, a new generation of leaders, comprised of concerned, resourceful and connected people, balancing themselves, their local Society, Environment and Economy, opposing oppressive centralization and hegemony, while promoting & validating Individual Social Responsibility, freedom and self-sovereignty.

You can read more about the ConscienceLAND Wealth Against WAR campaign here on Medium:

INT: How can Emiratis become directly involved in a successful, prosperous ConscienceVERSE and accomplish the SDG’s in time?

SC: There are numerous projects supporting the SDG initiatives of the United Nations member states. While in Dubai, SustainaClaus, Joha and Philip McMaster will all be there to discuss taking over and promoting various aspects of the ConscienceLAND project and the SDG’s.

INT: How are you helping young people achieve sustainable enterprise?

SC: For years I taught young entrepreneurs and MBAs about sustainable tourism development, CSR and these days ESG. Now is the time to collaborate with governments, businesses and communities to provide the young Planetpreneurs among us with the most generous resources, mentorship and guidance in playing the ConscenceLAND ConscienceLARP Live Action Role Playing game and

Gamification of finally healing the Earth WILL BE the “Killer App”.
  • ********************30**************************

Resource Material and other, related, possible follow-up topics for Podcasters, Interviews, expert opinion and expanded stories

- SDGhackathon / SDGathon

- Parenting Learning and Childs Play with A-I-Panda, the Sustainies and Benevobots

- Social Media / Screen Addiction

- ConscienceLAND & ConscienceVERSE

  • Seeking ConscienceCOUNCIL members from Dubai
  • Planetpreneurs in Dubai — from Entrepreneur-in-residence at Cyberport Hong Kong.
  • former Vice President Communications for SpacePort Canada

- Speaking about SDG’s at the famous Al Azhar University in Cairo -

Everest Summit Team:


Change Wednesday SDGx.LIVE

Change Wednesday SDGx.LIVE Open Dialogue

Section 1 Al Azhar University

Opening of session and equipment set up.


Section 2 Al Azhar University

#2(35:51) (

00:16:00 Dr Fawzy Younis

Section 3

#3 (2:05:58)

0:10:00 Dr Rania Fouad

1:27:00 Imam Mohammed Bashar Arafat

1:54:00 Dr. Hend Amin

Section 4 — Change Wednesday Citizens Ceremony & SDG Everest banner

Philip McMaster AHSc. MBA of the McMasterInstitute, former lecturer at HEC in Montreal and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Entrepreneur in Residence, HK Polytechnic University CyberPort, Ecocity researcher & , Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Eco Environmental Sciences.

8 time Observer of United Nations COP Climate Change Conferences.

Sum up the Day from Tahrir Square.


Presentations in Egypt: COP27

Youth Empowerment Tools

Climate Change Wednesday SDGx.LIVE Open Dialogue in Alexandria.



Here in Egypt to find the source of the (Energy) NRGWallet

SustainaClaus at his 7th United Nations COP, introducing the “Ring Of Truth”:



Philip McMaster

Join SustainaClaus in the #EarthMobilization of ConscienceLAND with Blockchain Bethune and Sustainies. INVITING YOU TO SDGx.LIVE