Emergency “McMaster Plan”

Philip McMaster
4 min readAug 20, 2023


Consider becoming a Citizen of ConscienceLAND and supporting The Emergency “McMaster Plan” — a decentralized, independent, actionable solution to the PolyCrisis.

Are you getting tired of the lies, deceptions and tiny, timid, inadequate “band-aid” efforts to address the crisis we’re in?

I can tell you that I am “almost” exhausted — I’ve been working on these issues my whole life, intensively for the last 8 years. But I never give up.

Our world has held endless meetings, conferences and trade-shows “promoting & marketing” solutions to the social, environmental and economic polycrisis, with millions&billions of dollars spent on “influencing” us to think one way or another about wars, divisions and ways to Search-Identify-Destroy.

WakeUp, StandUp, SpeakUp

Even the penniless, good hearted NGO’s and volunteers are scrambling around, unsupported, running and bumping into each other. Searching for sustenance, instead of proudly looking up, standing shoulder to shoulder and devoting 100% to solving their gLocal problems through the Search-Identify-Heal of SDGx.LIVE

Everyone is complaining about the “weather”, but no one doing anything about it.

We’ve had the warnings — in our faces — for at least 100 years!

  • the scourge of fascism rising again, stronger and more widespread than ever.
  • Centralization of power, more concentrated, and in fewer hands than ever.
  • The illusion of fiat money as the universal solution is collapsing.

People are scared, incompetent and seem to be looking for a “strongman” to protect them from their shadow ghosts.

People are increasingly manipulated by:

  • the dumbing-down of their intellect & competency
  • the weakening of their immune system & general health
  • the elimination of real choice in their lives
  • the commodification & theft of their life data
  • the insanity of genderbending wars,
  • the disregard & disrespect of youth
  • the distraction of UAP’s (UFO’s)
  • the algorithmic conditioning through social media
  • the deep deception of politics & state
  • the illusion of care, stewardship & accountability
  • the greediness of the finance industry & corporations
  • the selfishness of community members
  • the insincerity of the medical establishment
  • the disconnection of governments
  • the attacks on freedom and liberty
  • the confiscation of money and assets
  • the devastation by fire-bombing & arson
  • … and please add your thoughts.. (because the list goes on.)

At least we tried.

The McMaster Institute in ConscienceLAND has a McMasterPlan — it may work, or we may run out of time, but we must start now, today, before it’s really, really too late to guide humanity along the right track.

Woman lies on train tracks entering Birkinau Death Camp Blocked by Sustainies, Coaches and Ambassadors holding the SDG banner
Could the actions of a decentralized, independent SDGx.LIVE avert impending disaster for humanity? (Photo: Auschwitz-Birkenau)

Redefining the Global Goals

SDGx.LIVE — the decentralized, independent global goals — Redefined for people and planet, not unelected bankers, oligarchs, corporations and puppeteers.

Become a Citizen of ConscienceLANDMarry the EarthEngage in the ConscienceLARP Live Action Role Playing Game_\!/

Gamification may be the key to achieve EARTHmobilization

Chat like your life depended on it.

The smartest, best informed people in the world are calling for a halt to runaway A-I and approaching AGI. Of course it’s far too late and the cat is already out of the bag.

“Artificial Intelligence is unstoppable, but we still have a chance to modify it’s prime directive and influence its direction, speed and destination.” — Philip McMaster, ConscienceLAND

Taking Individual Social Responsibility for the Planet.

Time to “Jump Tracks” and start Healing

A key aspect of the McMasterPlan is the ChatSDG.LIVE #EARTHmobilization, where A-I users jump track from the dangerous, dead-end Military Industrial Complex A-I (MIC-AI) to the life affirming Benevolent A-I track of Search-Identify-HEAL.

We start using SDGprompt composition, engineering and philosophy and participate online and offline in the global SDGhackathon and SustainableDevelopmentAccelerator, with

The ConscienceLAND Gameboard has 57 trillion 3m x 3m squares

Sustainies, Coaches and Ambassadors of ConscienceLAND, who take Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) by choosing 3m x 3m GaiaPLOTs/ SDGplots and “doing the right thing” , taking ACTION, becoming stewards of the planet.

Sound like a plan?

Want to know more details?

Want to be included in creating a better future for generations to come?

Got Podcast Guest suggestions, or other ways of getting the word out?

Let’s move even faster than A-I, switch tracks and #MakeLifeBeautifulAgain.

Subscribe, Comment, Share and contact@mcmasterinstitute.com



Philip McMaster

Join SustainaClaus in the ExtinctionSolution.com #EarthMobilization of ConscienceLAND with Blockchain Bethune and Sustainies. INVITING YOU TO SDGx.LIVE